My beautiful pregnancy programme


doula service


Meet your baby feeling calm and happy – Your doula will support you every step of the way as you welcome new life into your home.

Using an evidence-based approach, you will work with your doula to achieve a empowering, calm and positive pregnancy and birthing experience. You’ll connect learn to navigate your changing body, birth options, and prepare for life with a new baby.

Online; includes five 1-to-1 meetings.

We’ll support you as you travel through pregnancy, birth and early postnatal days – from the physiological process of childbirth, the practical every-day aspects, the psychological and social aspects of becoming a mother and creating a family unit through to how our cultural heritage imparts a certain wisdom on us during this process; these are all aspects we’ll cover to ensure you can become the mother you want to be. We’ll help you develop trust in your body and to make informed decisions that are right for you.

Clinical research has shown that working with a doula:

• Increases likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
• Increases likelihood of having a shorter labour
• Increases likelihood of being successful with breast-feeding

• Decreases likelihood of birth by Caesarean section
• Decreases likelihood of birth with the use of vacuum extraction or forceps
• Decreases likelihood of needing pain medication including epidurals

What does the programme include?
• 3 online pregnancy support sessions – up to 2 hours per session
• A birth plan template to complete and keep.
• Continuous text and email support between sessions until 6 weeks after birth
• 2 online postnatal support sessions: An opportunity to talk about your birth experience and also raise any concerns.

Investment: £390

What happens during birth, has a direct impact on who we become as parents. This is why it’s crucial to I believe that prepare for the birth that is right for you, your body and your baby. We’ll will guide you through the information to make choices about your birth, help you navigate the system to ensure you are supported and ensure that you have the tools to make your birth a positive and empowering experience.

During your sessions you will:
• Receive information about your birth choices based on what feels right for you and help you to explore any alternatives to ensure you are able to make fully informed decisions about what happens during your labour. This includes discussing things like where you can have your baby, how you want to birth your baby (in water, c-section etc), pain relief options, etc.
• Understand the process of birth, so that you can prepare mentally and emotionally for what you may experience physically during labour, birth and in the first few moments postnatally.
• Learn tools that you can put into place to help you to achieve your ideal birth including creating a birth environment that will help you to feel calm during the stages of labour.
• Receive the support your birth partner (if you have one) needs to help them prepare for what their role may entail and the things they can do to support you.
• Receive support in-between sessions to help signpost you to any information you need or offer a space to talk through anything that you are experiencing.
• Have a supportive and non-judgmental space to discuss your concerns, wishes and hopes for this process and new stage of life, so that you can have a strategy that works for you to be the mum you want to be.



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